Alouette's Goat Milk Kefir

  • $10.00

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What is Kefir:

Kefir is a creamy, dairy based food made from the milk of cows or goats and is one of the oldest forms of cultured milk. Often labelled a “Probiotic Drink”, it is similar in taste and consistency to yoghurt, but kefir provides even more health benefits to your dog (and to you). One tablespoon of kefir typically contains about 30 strains and 5 billion beneficial bacteria. Wow!

The Benefits:

Kefir health benefits are vast and that is due to the 30 different strains of probiotic bacteria and yeast present in those cloud shaped grains. The bulk of those grains are a combination of insoluble protein, amino acids, lipids and complex sugars.

Feeding kefir to your dog can ward off or treat a number of conditions, including:

  • possible allergies
  • skin and coat problems
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • indigestion
  • other digestive tract problems
  • excessive flatulence
  • vomiting
  • stool problems
  • weight problems
  • bad breath
  • a lack of beneficial bacteria and yeasts in the intestines after a course of antibiotics

Sold on kefir yet? Well, let’s give you some more information on why kefir would benefit your dog. In addition to treating or preventing the conditions above, kefir also:

  • is rich in various vitamins, such as A, B, D and K and biotin
  • contains many essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus
  • builds your dog’s immunity system



Like anything you start off with a small amount and then build up.  The Kefir grains remove the lactose from the milk so you shouldn't have any digestive issues with it.

  • Small dogs or cats: 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon
  • Medium size dogs: 1-2 tablespoons
  • Large dogs: 2-3 tablespoons


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